League of Legends is a game that is constantly changing, so if you are an old experienced player or if you are new to the game you are likely to have hard time adjusting to the ever changing shifts in META. Constant changes to items, champions and the game itself tend to be a problem for those who aren’t playing the game constantly every day. That is why you can find your self stuck in the lowest tier of the ranked placement in League of Legends. The Iron Tier.
I understand that it is tough and that if you ever find yourself that low in a ranked placement you might think that you are a bad player, but trust me that is not the case. It just means that you aren’t yet adjusted to the changes that happened in the game, or you are still learning the game.
If you started to play League of Legends when it initially came out you probably didn’t have such a hard time since there was a limited number of champions and the gameplay, abilities and items weren’t as overcomplicated as they are today. It was also a hell of a lot easier if you had played Warcraft 3 Dota since LoL was based on it.
If you are a person that doesn’t play the game every single day, you are likely to be placed maximum in the gold tier. Since a lot of us have jobs, kids, or any other responsibilities that makes it so we can not play the game as much as we would like, it can make it hard to reach the higher ranks of the League of Legends competitive season.
Riot Games is aware that League of Legends is in its downfall and they are doing everything in their power to stop that and bring the golden days of League back. They are trying to do that with constant patches, buffs, nerfs, adjustments, new champions, VGU, VFX and reworks of the old and forgotten ones. They aren’t doing the best job as you can see since the game is now so complex that a normal person needs to play well over a year for couple hours a day to get a grip of everything that is going on.
But I have a little shortcut for you. A handy guide for you to help you climb your way from the lowest tiers without spending to much time or effort. It all comes to the champions. If you tend to play some more complex champions , and you aren’t too skilled of a player, you will shift your focus out of the game and on your champion. This is why you can feed a lot of times and lose quite a lots of games. But with the right champions, you will shift your focus on the game itself and its objectives and that can help you greatly to get out of the low elo and climb your way to the stars.
So, without further ado, let’s see who are the champions that I’m talking about.
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Yummi is the champion that Riot introduced as a way of helping new players to slowly and gradually learn the game. I think that Yummi has been introduced to League of Legends simply for that reason. It was surely unexpected when she became one of the champions with the highest pick and ban rate, and she was quite commonly seen in the highest levels of competitive play as well.
She has a basic kit, like you don’t even need your left hand to play her, a mouse is enough. But even if you don’t have it, you can play her on the touchpad. She has one ability that she spams throughout the duration of the game and that is her heal, and you can’t really miss her ultimate since it really depends on the movement of the champion you will be attached to.
Her whole game is just one big boring ride along since you spend the entire game attached to your ally. While attached you can not deal or receive damage apart from your ultimate.
She is so easy to play that you don’t have to focus on her abilities or really moving at all. You just hop on your mate and place some wards while pressing some random buttons. Yummi is definitely a great champion to get out of Iron tier in League of Legends.
Yummi’s abilities
P – Bop ‘n’ Block
INNATE: Periodically, Yuumi’s next basic attack against an enemy champion has an uncancelable windup, gains 50 bonus range, turns into a non-projectile, restores 25 − 100 (based on level) (+ 8% maximum mana) mana and grants her a 60 − 400 (based on level) (+ 30% AP) shield that lasts until it is broken.
While attached, the shield transfers to her Anchor.
Q – Prowling Projectile
ACTIVE: Yuumi fires an errant missile in the target direction that deals magic damage to the first enemy it hits.
If the missile is in flight for 1 second, it deals increased magic damage, and if the target is a champion, slows by 20% for 1 second. The percent current health bonus damage is capped at 50 − 300 (based on level) against minions and monsters.
While attached, Yuumi instead channels for up to 2 seconds, directing the trajectory of the missile, after which it fizzles.
W – You and Me!
PASSIVE: The Anchor gains either a flat and percentage amount of their bonus attack damage or a flat and percentage amount of their ability power, based on whichever was initially higher. The percentage bonus of You and Me! also benefits from its flat bonus.
Yuumi then gains flat adaptive force plus an amount based on a percentage of the Anchor’s current bonus attack damage or ability power, whichever is higher. Additionally, Yuumi starts with a skill point in You and Me! and Prowling Projectile instead has 6 ranks.
ACTIVE: Yuumi channels for 0.25 seconds, then dashes to the target allied champion upon completion and attaches to them upon arrival. While attached, Yuumi is untargetable (except from turrets and in-flight projectiles targeting her) and casts her spells from the Anchor’s position. The cooldown starts upon completing the channel. You and Me! can be recast after 0.5 seconds of attachment.
Yuumi will be knocked down by any immobilizing or polymorphing crowd control during the dash.
RECAST: Yuumi can switch her Anchor, refreshing the recast. She will detach automatically if her Anchor dies or under certain circumstances. If recast without a valid target, Yuumi will detach from her Anchor and dash 250 units in the target direction, placing You and Me! on a 0.25-second cooldown if it is not already on cooldown.
You and Me! is placed on a 5-second cooldown if Yuumi becomes immobilized, grounded, or polymorphed.
E – Zoomies
ACTIVE: Yuumi heals herself and gains 15% (+ 6% per 100 AP) bonus movement speed and bonus attack speed for 3 seconds.
While attached, the Anchor is affected by Zoomies instead.
R – Final Chapter
ACTIVE: Yuumi and Book channel for up to 3.5 seconds, launching 7 waves in the target direction over the duration, each dealing magic damage to all enemies within their path. Enemy champions hit take only 50% damage from subsequent waves, and when they are struck by three waves, they become rooted for 1.75 seconds. This may only occur once per target.
Garen’s kit is so strong, yet so simple that I do not have a good comparison to it. If you leave the game, wait 10 minutes, and return you could still be the strongest person in the game in the next 10 minutes.
Garen has been relevant since his release within the lower and mid tiers of ranked games since the beginning of League of Legends. The main thing that separates Garen from the rest of the Top lane champions is his simple kit that even a small child can learn in one game. He has enormous damage for a tank, his abilities cost no mana and he has mental health regeneration and defensive stats. Players, especially smurfs, tend to abuse this and climb their way into the top tier ranked placements since almost no one in lower ranked games knows how to play against Garen, and once he is fed it is gg for everyone.
Garen is not the most fun champion to play with, or against, but we have to admit that he is pretty strong. When I say he is relevant in the mid and lower tiers, by that I mean that he is easily defeated on some higher rank tiers of the game. This is simply because some less skilled players, which tend to be in the lower rank tiers don’t really know how to play as a team, and they do not posses the skill of kiting. Garen is really easily defeated if you keep him on the distance, and some more experienced players know this and abuse it, so that’s why you will never see Garen in competitive games.
Since Garen’s kit is easy to learn he is a great champion to learn if you want to climb out of Iron since you don’t have to worry about missing skill shots and you can shift your focus completely on the macro management of the game.
Garen’s abilities:
P – Perseverance
INNATE: Garen regenerates 1.5% − 10.1% (based on level) of his maximum health every 5 seconds.
Garen loses Perseverance for 8 seconds if he takes damage from epic monsters, enemy turrets, or enemy champions, or if he is hit by an enemy ability or affected by an enemy summoner spell, refreshing on subsequent damage or hits to Garen from them.
Q – Decisive Strike
ACTIVE: Garen cleanses himself of all slows and gains 35% bonus movement speed for a few seconds.
Additionally, Garen’s next basic attack within 4.5 seconds has an uncancelable windup, lunges at the target, deals bonus physical damage, and silences the target for 1.5 seconds.
Decisive Strike resets Garen’s basic attack timer.
W – Courage
PASSIVE: Garen gains 0.2 bonus armor and 0.2 bonus magic resistance every time he kills an enemy, up to a maximum of 30 bonus resistances at 150 unit kills.
After reaching maximum stacks, Garen gains 10% bonus armor and 10% bonus magic resistance.
ACTIVE: Garen reduces incoming damage by 30% for a few seconds. For the first 0.75 seconds, Garen additionally gains a shield and 60% tenacity.
E – Judgment
ACTIVE: Garen becomes ghosted and rapidly spins his sword around his body 7 times over 3 seconds, losing the ability to basic attack but gaining an aura that deals physical damage to nearby enemies periodically. The number of spins is increased by 1 for every 25% bonus attack speed from item stats, mythic passives, and growth (per level). Enemy champions hit 6 times have their armor reduced by 25% for 6 seconds. The 7th hit and every 6th hit thereafter refreshes the armor reduction’s duration. Judgment can be recast after 1 second for its duration, and does so automatically after its duration ends.
The nearest enemy is dealt 25% bonus damage.
RECAST: Garen ends Judgment early, reducing its cooldown by its remaining duration.
Judgment can critically strike for (58% + 35%) bonus physical damage. Additionally, Judgment deals 150% damage against non-epic monsters.
R – Demacian Justice
ACTIVE: Garen calls upon the might of Demacia onto the target enemy champion, dealing them true damage as well as revealing them for 1 second at the start of the cast time.
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Master Yi
The champion that is a cancer wound for League of Legends. The unstoppable force that will get you to incredibly high elo if you spam them in every game. I have seen people get to Diamond ranks simply due to them being a one trick pony and just spamming Master Yi every single game.
He has incredible wave clear, he is great in the early game, and he is quite hard to stop once you get going. Like every other champion on this list, his kit is quite simple and so straightforward that you can play him with your feet and still win the game. His simple abilities let you focus on taking objectives and allow you to prepare good ganks to get your teammates ahead. Because of this you can shift your focus to the minimap more often and not worry about missing some of your skillshots since there is no way in this world that you actually can. His kit doesn’t allow it. He can get you up not only out of Iron but out of gold as well, but you will have little bit more resistance over there. Still a great champion that can carry you to at least Diamond tier.
It’s not that Master Yi is the unstoppable champion. He has his weaknesses like every other champion. The obvious one is his lack of crowd control. The second one….. hmm, he really doesn’t have any other weak spots. Damn Riot what are you doing? Anyways, he can be stopped. Not so easily like maybe some other champions, but he definitely can. The problem occurs simply when he is too fed and the players in lower tiers do not know how to work as a team so he just goes on around the map and farms champions.
Master Yi is a solid choice for someone who is just getting into jungling. He has High Damage and High mobility along with the ability to heal using his Meditate ability. His Wuju Style adds True Damage to his attacks and his ultimate, Highlander, works like a cleanse that removes and makes him immune to slows and cripple effects while gaining bonus Attack Speed and Movement Speed.
Master Yi’s abilities:
P – Double Strike
INNATE: Master Yi’s basic attacks on-hit grant a stack of Double Strike for 4 seconds, stacking up to 3 times, with the duration refreshing on subsequent attacks. At 3 stacks, Master Yi’s next basic attack on-hit consumes the stacks to strike twice, the second strike dealing 50% AD physical damage.
The second strike applies on-hit and on-attack effects at 100% effectiveness and is affected by critical strike modifiers.
If Master Yi’s primary target is killed before the second strike, he automatically attacks another enemy within 300 range.
The second strike can critically strike structures.
Q – Alpha Strike
ACTIVE: Master Yi vanishes and becomes unable to act. After 0.231 seconds, he marks the target enemy and then moves to mark the nearest visible un-marked enemy within 600 units, recurring every 0.231 seconds up to 3 times. If there are no other eligible targets before then, Master Yi can mark the same enemies again.
Upon finishing marking, he reappears and becomes able to act again「 after 0.165 seconds 」in front of the target. If the primary target dies or is too far away during the delay, he will reappear at the cast location instead.
Master Yi then detonates the marks, dealing physical damage and applying on-hit effects at 75% effectiveness. Subsequent marks on a target instantly deal 25% damage and apply on-hit effects at 18.75% effectiveness. Alpha Strike deals bonus damage to monsters per hit.
Alpha Strike’s primary and lesser damage can critically strike for (17.5% + 6.125%) AD bonus physical damage and (4.375% + 1.53125%) AD bonus physical damage respectively.
Basic attacks on-hit reduce Alpha Strike’s cooldown by 1 second. Each time Alpha Strike hits a target, the durations of Wuju Style and Highlander are refreshed by their current duration. Alpha Strike does not trigger its cooldown reduction nor grant a stack of Double Strike when applying on-hit effects.
W – Meditate
ACTIVE: Master Yi channels for up to 4 seconds, healing himself every 0.5 seconds, increased by 0% − 100% (based on missing health).
While channeling, Master Yi gains damage reduction, halved against turrets, pauses Wuju Style’s and Highlander’s duration, and gains one stack of Double Strike per second.
If the channel is cancelled, Master Yi reduces incoming damage for another 0.25 seconds, with lesser effectiveness against non-turret damage but greater effectiveness vs turret damage. (bug)
Meditate resets Master Yi’s basic attack timer.
E – Wuju Style
ACTIVE: Master Yi empowers his sword, causing his basic attacks to deal bonus true damage on-hit for 5 seconds.
R – Highlander
PASSIVE: Scoring a champion takedown reduces the current cooldowns of Master Yi’s basic abilities by 70%.
ACTIVE: Master Yi cleanses himself from all slows and cripples and gains ghosting, bonus attack speed, bonus movement speed, slow immunity, and cripple immunity all for the next 7 seconds.
While active, scoring a champion takedown extends Highlander’s duration by 7 seconds.
As you can see, it’s not the knowledge of the game that is crucial to get out of lower tiers of the game. You just need to know what are the weakspots of the ranked tier that you are currently into, and just abuse it against it.
Stay tuned since we will post best champions to get out of every elo there is, so hopefully we will meet in Challenger as early as next season!