Black Friday – the one day of the year where it’s apparently acceptable to push your fellow man into ongoing traffic in the name of saving a few bucks. Well the dust has settled on this year’s Black Friday and the InfoScout Blog (we tip our hat to My Nintendo News) has managed to break down which games and consoles sold the most. Hopefully, relinquishing your humanity for a bargain was worth it, people.
Let’s start with the console leaderboard. If it was a competition, then the PlayStation 4 would have won, if only just barely. It claimed 42% of Black Friday’s console sales, edging just ahead of the Xbox One, which clocked in at 41%. That left the remaining 17% of console sales to Nintendo’s Wii U. That’s not too bad considering the generally stagnant Wii U sales this year.
Now for the games. Did Fallout 4 come out on top? No, it did not, although eighth place isn’t bad at all. It probably won’t shock you to hear that Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 came in first with 9.8% of sales. Madden NFL 16 and NBA 2K16 came in second and third respectively with the former claiming 6.7% of sales and the latter claiming 4.9%. CD Projekt Red’s game of the year contender, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, barely made the cut, coming in 20th place with 1.1% of the sales. You can take a look at a full list of the top 20 Black Friday bestselling games in chart above.
That’s all the information we have for you thus far, so until next Black Friday, shop safely – and for Christ’s sake, try not to kill anyone.
How did you spend your Black Friday? Find any good deals? Let us know down below! We actually felt it would be far safer to lock ourselves in The Games Cabin for the day rather than risking the wrath of the crazed shoppers. Turned out to be a mistake in the end because we had to listen to Chris preach the word of The Killers all day – again. Seriously he won’t stop, just look. [Ed: Please note, Chris’ favoured track from The Killers is Runaways. – Chris.]