Back in 2003 10tons Entertainment developed a nifty little top-down twin-stick shooter named Crimsonland for the PC. It didn’t set the gaming world alight, but it definitely found itself a decent following.
Fast forward more than a decade through time and the same developers have rereleased the game with updated graphics, weapons, perks and even some added game modes. We’ve seen Crimsonland rerelease on the PS4 and PS Vita, but we’ve heard nothing about a new version for the Xbox One – until now.
The German ratings board, the USK, has rated Crimsonland for the Xbox One. While it’s far from official confirmation, we’re inclined to believe the rating is accurate. Why? Because Angela Merkel wouldn’t let her government’s ratings board be so inefficient that they would rate games for platforms they won’t be releasing on – that’s why.
So, expect this one to release pretty darn soon. Will you be picking this one up, or is it just another remaster you’ve not got time for? Let us know down in the comments section below.