Another in a row of our In-depth guides is here! Today we will be covering The Scrap Composition guide for Teamfight Tactics!
In this in-depth master guide for The Scrap composition you will learn all about the Scrap trait and its champions, as well as how to utilize them correctly and what items work best on them! Also we will be covering some supporting champions for this composition too, as they are an inevitable part of every composition in Teamfight Tactics.
The Scrap trait, is and Origin trait and it brings totally different mechanics to the game, since your bonuses rely on the items you have. This is the only composition that doesn’t buff the champions themselves, but rather the bonus comes in the form of buffing the items that are equipped to your units, and depending on how many units you have from The Scrap composition, it will depend on how strong the bonus will be.
The units in The Scrap composition are very different to themselves, and the only similarity that occurs is the 2 Innovators in the form of Ziggs and Ekko. That is a thing to be considered every time you go for The Scrap composition, since it can give you a little Innovator bonus if you add another Innovator unit to the field.
The most important thing in this composition are the items, since the buff is added to them and not to the champions. The buff from the Scrap trait will complete a random item on your champion from the item component you have on that particular unit, and the more Scrap units you have on your field, the more components will be turned into random items that build into that particular component every turn.
This composition isn’t that strong, since there is no harmony or synergy at all between its units, so I would say that is among the weaker ones in the game at the moment, since your game really depends on what items you get trough your game. The units aren’t compatible with each other in any way whatsoever, apart from the aforementioned 2 Innovator units, Ziggs and Ekko. This means that the big problem occurs when you try to add your supporting units since there will never be enough of the certain trait to complete a trait synergy and activate the bonus.
Depending on the items you get at every particular game, will also depend on what champions will be your main carries trough the game. This in-depth guide will focus on the best case scenario when it comes to the items, since I want to show you how the perfect game of The Scrap Composition should look like.
The Scrap composition isn’t Augment dependant on its own, since to activate the best bonus for The Scrap trait you will need 6 Scrap units, and that is the exact amount of the units you have available in the game. Although you aren’t Augment dependent, any Augment you get is a massive bonus, since you can get rid of some weaker Scrap units like Ziggs or Ezreal and equip some stronger units with The Scrap Emblem. Those better units should be chosen wisely since the best units to chose are the ones that are compatible with your other traits and attributes that your units have, apart from the Scrap one. Augments can also come in handy, when you have all of your Scrap units on the field, and you add a particular champion as a supporting one, but you still lack another unit with that particular trait (eg. You add Poppy for the Bodyguard buff, but you lack another Yordle unit to complete the bonus).
The Scrap trait
At the start of combat, components held by Scrap champions turn into full items for the rest of combat. Also, your team gains a shield for each component equipped by your team, including those that are part of a full item.
- 2
- 1 component, 20 shield
- 4
- 3 components, 40 shield
- 6
- All components, 60 shield
- Ziggs
- Ezreal
- Blitzcrank
- Ekko
- Irelia
- Jinx
You might be disappointed after reading this But Ziggs is not a good choice. He was good for the first two patches of the Set 6, but even then, he was not a Yordle you could put your money on. Whatever you place on him, he will not fulfil your expetations, since he is rubbish. There is no point in upgrading him. He could be more efficient when it comes to the Arcanist composition since he has the passive Arcanist ability that increases his AP. He is, however, one of the weaker champs. Actually he is the weakest by far.
His price is low and the standard that he has set is even lower. If I had to guess I would say he’s worth 0.5 gold. This is good enough, I think.
His ability is nothing special. At least in some previous sets, he had a knock-up that was verbatim copied from his W in the Summoners Rift, and now it’s a mix of his Q and his R, having the worst from both. With the Yordle trait active, he will be easily upgraded to level three, but it is not important, to be honest, since his only job is to fill the empty space that is needed to activate the trait. His main reason for getting to level three is summoning The Yordle Lord Veigar himself.
Ability: Mini Inferno Bomb
Ziggs hurls a bomb at his target. After a moderate delay, the bomb lands dealing magic damage to the enemy in the epicenter, and half to adjacent enemies.
Ezreal is pretty bad. Scrap that (pun intended), he is rubbish. Possibly the worst champion in the current patch along with Ziggs, with whom he shares The Scrap trait. Along with being a Scrap, Ezreal is also an Innovator. If I am being honest he sucks in both of those compositions and can not contribute to any of them in any way what so ever, apart from having to fulfil an empty spot that is needed to activate the bonus of the said trait.
He is a pretty cheap unit, costing just one gold coin, but in my opinion that doesn’t justify the fact that he is simply awful. There are many more units that cost exactly the same and they are much more powerfull, like Caitlyn or Illaoi for an example. They could wipe level two Ezreal while they being on the first level. His ability is his In-game Q from The Summoners Rift, but simply doesn’t work nor does it deal any decent amount of damage.
For items, I would say nothing. He simply can not make them work. But if you are feeling dary, or you just hate yourself and want to lose, then you can equip him with The Rabbadon’s Deathcap, The Blue Buff and The Infinity Edge.
Depending on the fact are you equipping him with items or not, depends his positon. If you do no use any items on him then put him in the second row, behind the tanks so he can die quickly and you can use that time to burn enemies with your prime damage dealers from the back. If you, by any chance are crazy enough to use items on him, then put him in some corner so he wouldn’t die instantly.
He is pretty cheap, and people are not playing The Innovators nor Scraps too much so at least you can level him pretty quickly to level 3.
Ability: Mystic Shot
Ezreal fires a missile at his target, dealing magic damage. If the missile hits, he grants himself 30% bonus stacking Attack Speed, up to 150% at 5 stacks.
What do you think TFT be like without his presence? The rocket grab is an iconic part of nearly 60 percent of TFT sets. While the robot’s rusty appearance does not cause a lot of damage, his rocket grab can sometimes do, when upgraded with the best ap items and being maxed out to the level three. It can also single-shot targets that are squishy, but it is only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I’ll stick with the fact that he’s an extremely useful unit that can be utilized by any game, even if it doesn’t match your currently-used traits. Two traits are preferred by Blitz when it comes to traits. They are The Scrap and The Bodyguard traits that Blitz is very well with.
It is crucial to know the mechanism behind Blitz’s rocket grab. The Blitz will grab any champion located in the back-end of the map, and he will pull the champ from the very corner of the map. He will select the closest Hex Champion if there’s not any champions in the area. Blitz was greatly nerfed after patch 6.5. He could pull an opponent across the field , not only in corners, but the one that was standing across him on any place of the map. This was a huge benefit for any player playing Blitz at the time. He could simply observe his adversaries until the very final second prior to a fight and then switch his Blitz and put him in the hexagon he wants. Then he would grab the opponent’s champion and basically wipe it out from the game.
Blitz is nor front liner nor backliner, but somewhere in the middle of the field, both literally and figuratively speaking. He is a utility-only champion, and his only job is to pull one champion and knock him in the air. After that, his mission is complete, and if he doesn’t die instantly, anything beyond that is a bonus!
I usually don’t equip Blitz with items, but if you would like him to have a chance to pull the opponent twice, then you should go for The Blue Buff, The Spear of Shojin, The Titan’s Resolve.
His position should be in the first or the second row directly across the corner you want to pull the enemy champion from.
As for leveling, he is an easy champion to level to the max, and bear in mind that the more you level him, the longer he will live and the more chances you get more than one pull per fight.
Ability: Rocket Grab
Blitzcrank pulls the farthest enemy, dealing magic damage and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. His next attack after pulling knocks up for 1 second. Allies within range prefer attacking Blitzcrank’s target.
Ekko has been around from the beginning of the set 6, and he is a decent pick. He rocks three traits, with them being The Innovator, The Assassin and The Scrap trait. That is the thing that makes him a decent pick since without the third trait he isn’t the best choice there is.
His colours shine the brightest with The Assassin comp, but he works well with Innovators too. The Scrap trait is strong but a risky one so I would say that is the one where you never know what to expect.
At the cost of three gold coins, the is somewhere in the mid range when it comes to the price, but his cost isn’t , unfortunately backed up with a great power. He is the champion that isn’t picked as much so he will be an easy unit to level up to the max, but that’s something that you should do only if you have some gold to spare, since he really isn’t worth the investment.
His position , like any other Assassin is in the back line, right across the hex you want him to jump on when the game commences.
Items should be focused on Ap, Mana and Omnivamp, so the best choices are The Blue Buff, The Rabbadon’s Deathcap and The Hextech Gunblade.
Ability: Parallel Convergence
Ekko invokes an afterimage that bats a device towards the largest group of units. Upon landing, it deals magic damage to enemies within and applies reduced movement speed for 4 seconds. Allies inside gain bonus Attack Speed for 4 seconds.
Irelia is one of the stronger champions in the game now. She is ranked S or A tier by many websites that follow TFT.
The problem with Irelia is that she is part of Scrap trait that isn’t that amazing to be honest. They are underplayed so that is a chance to get some units fast, but most of them just have a better trait that is overplayed, like Irelia does with The Striker trait.
She is quite viable choice and can cause a lot od damage. She has been nerfed a little bit, but still can kick some ass when she is on some higher level and with some cool items.
She is quite a costly unit with a price of 4 golden coins per unit, making her an epic unit when it comes to the unit ranking and pricing.
She shines the brightest when she is a part of The Striker Composition, but if you are in luck and get some nice items for Scrap Composition, she can be a serious threat for all her enemies.
Since she is quite expensive I don’t expect you to get her to level three many times, since that can be really hard task to do, but if you can do it, you should do it by all means.
Her position should be somewhere in the second row, behind the frontliners, far enough not to take initial aggro, but close enough so she can start attacking soon when the battle begins, so she can fill up her mana and cast her ultimate.
Her items should be focused on pure attack damage that is in great harmony with The Striker trait. The best items for Irelia in TFT are The Infinity Edge, The Last Whisper and The Hand of Justice. She can also benefit from The Guinsoo’s Rageblade and The Edge of Night.
Ability: Bladesurge
Irelia dashes to her target, striking them for 180% of her Attack Damage plus bonus damage as physical damage. If this kills the target, she Bladesurges again at the lowest Health enemy.
Jinx was around from the beginnings of the set 6, Gizmos and Gadgets, but she was slightly different back then.
Jinx had a minor rework when The Neon Nights set came around on February 16th , and her unique trait called Sisters, that she shared with Vi, was changed into Rivals and now it has completely opposite bonus from the one it had on the prior set. Before it would buff you if you had both Vi and Jinx on the field, and now it brings the bonus if you don’t.
The Rivals trait: This trait is active when you have exactly 1 unique Rival unit, as Rivals refuse to work together. Vi’s mana cost is reduced by 20. Jinx gains 40% Attack Speed for 3 seconds after scoring a takedown.
Jinx is a Scrap, Twinshot Rival. With the price of 5 golden coins per unit, she is an legendary unit that brings TONS OF DAMAGE to the table. (Sorry Phreak). She is quite worth the money since she has three traits active. The reason why she was given three traits is the fact that all of her traits are mediocre at best, and when it comes to the 5 gold costing units, I think that Jinx has the worst traits of them all. Don’t get me wrong, as a unit she is incredibly strong, and she is capable of carrying the game, but when it comes to the traits that she has, they are garbage. Look at other units that cost 5 gold. Galio is mental, Kai’Sa is sick, Tahm Kench is a beast, I mean I can go on but you get the point.
Even if her traits are garbage, utter disaster she holds onto a great power. She should be levelled up asap as any five star unit, but as we all know that really doesn’t happen as much, since the games on the lower end of the ranked scale then to end much faster due to the increasing amounts of smurfs in the game.
Her items should be some cross section between Attack damage and Attack Speed, with the best of the bunch being The Infinity Edge, The Last Whisper and The Guinsoo’s Rageblade. The Bloodthirster and The Edge of Night can work wonders too.
She should be tucked in somewhere far from the reach of your enemies, since she is a ranged champion that can do some sick damage from a far, far away. The best thing would be to surround her with other units so she can’t be reached easily.
Ability: Super Mega Death Rocket
Jinx rides her rocket high into the sky, then comes crashing down near the center-most enemy, dealing magic damage to enemies around the epicenter, and 50% to all other enemies in a large area. The epicenter burns every unit except Jinx for 5 seconds, dealing a percent of the target’s maximum Health as true damage, and reducing healing for the duration. She then swaps to her rocket launcher and targets random units for the rest of combat. Her attacks now explode, dealing a percent of her Attack Damage in a small area around her target.
Supporting champions
This unit is self efficient in the form of not needing Augments to finish the final bonus. But when it comes to the strength, it’s (S)CRAP! So if you even think about winning, you will need some help. Come on, let’s meet the squad.
- Singed
- Braum
Singed is also a inexpensive champion, much as Ezreal that starts with just one gold coin. Singed can be very useful to Innovators and Chemtechs in contrast to Ezreal. Singed is an impressive early game and mid-game. But, he’s vulnerable in the late game. In contrast to Ezreal that doesn’t draw much crowd in the early phases of the game Singed is quite important for those who decide Chemtechs are their choice in the current game and you’ll not be able to get Level 3. Singed in the early game as much as you would like.
His fling is a gamechanger since it impacts both the target champion and does aoe knock-up in the place where enemy champion lands. This can be handy in the situations where enemy’s champion is about to cast the ability and is interrupted by the knock-up , leaving your champions a little bit of time to react and possibly turn the fate of the fight in your favor.
When you are in the early games of the fight and you don’t have enough champions to make 5 Chems composition, i always put 2 Singeds on the board because of the knock-up effect.
He is also a good frontliner and can tank some nice amounts of damage.
As far as the items are concerned, Singed isn’t a waste of items like Ezreal is, and he can benefit from Warmogs Armour or Brambles vest.
Ability: Fling
Singed flings a nearby enemy towards the largest cluster of enemies, stunning his target for seconds when they land. All adjacent enemies take magic damage and are briefly stunned.
Since the patch 6′s release in the past, this character has been with us. Braum has been one of the top champions in The Gizmos and Gadgets when they are in defense, and I can safely say that it had stayed the same when The Neon Nights came that it has stayed that way. Braum is with Galio who is considered to be the greatest defensive champion on the field. Braum’s entire kit is centered around defense efficiency, utility, and help to his teammates. Since it’s less likely that he’ll be killed within the first few seconds of the match that’s why he’s in place to take on all the aggro. Even if he dies during the final moments of the game, it should give enough time for you to do some serious damage to your opponent and perhaps win the fight or even the game. Braum is a father figure in every game, shielding his imaginary children from his formidable Freljordian shield. There’s some satisfaction in his appearance. Some warmth, if you will.
Like Darius, Braum shares both of those traits as well. If you didn’t understand perfectly, again, Riot has made two champions with two same traits, which are both in incredible harmony with each other and can create incredible synergy between themselves. As I said earlier, both of the champions are front-liners as well and will most likely stand next to each other on the battlefield. Those two champions alone make this composition one of the strongest there is since with just two champions on the board, you have two Syndicates and two Bodyguards. Darius is better damage-wise, while Braum is more focused on the defense-utility field. Combined, they have the strength of 4 champions.
And again, like Darius, Braum is a tanky frontliner bodyguard that benefits from standard tank items such as being The Warmog’s Armor, The Sunfire Cape, The Dragon’s Claw, The Titan’s Resolve (being the best tank item there is).
His position is in the front line, blocking every shot that comes towards your squishy team. The center or the edges, it doesn’t matter. Nothing can bypass this wall of defense, made from pure ice. He needs to take that aggro because if he doesn’t, you are pretty much toast.
He is a tough one to level, and of course, it should be a priority since level three Braum is pretty much unkillable, but you are going to have a hard time doing that since he costs 4 gold coins and there is a relatively few Braums in the collective pool in the game. Be happy if you manage to get him to level two.
Ability: Vault Breaker
Braum slams his vault door into the ground, creating a fissure towards his target. Enemies within 2 hexes of Braum, and those struck by the fissure, are stunned and take magic damage.
The Scrap composition
The In-game guide
Early game
This composition shouldn’t be a problem when it comes to the early game since a lot of units can be bought for pennies. You team should consist of Ziggs, Ezreal, Singed and Blitzcrank in the first rounds of the game.
Mid game
Mid game is quite important since this is a time to secure your defensive line and acquire some nice item components for your front line. It’s also time to try and get an Ekko.
Late game
This is an integral part of the game where you get Irelia, Braum and Jinx and use all of the item components to have to get the best items you can. Try to level up your units since that really is what will decide that outcome of the game.
So this brings the conclusion of our (S)CRAP guide. I am hopeful that this master in-depth guide helped you learn all of the most important tips and tricks about this composition.
Stay tuned since there is a lot more to come, only on The Games Cabin!