Say what you want about gamers, but I’ll be damned if I’m told that they’re the least creative people to inhabit the planet. Yes, neckbeards and nerds do exist and there’s a few basements across the land that host hairy overweight men in their mid-thirties, surrounded by Doritos and Mountain Dew, but there’s also a thriving community of creative people who use games to create some exemplary content.
Take the video down below as a prime example. One imaginative player took the world of GTA V and instead of running around shooting people in the face, he decided to make a nature documentary. Seriously, a nature documentary.
Check it out down below, just don’t rely on it for any of your school exams, it’s not entirely accurate…
Outstanding stuff. Who would have thought such serenity would be possible in a game all about murder, theft and the occasional drug-induced hooker sessions?
Challenge: Anybody who can create a war documentary using Battlefield 4 will be rewarded with a personal handshake and a bit of loose change, or just whatever this writer has in his pocket at the time.
What do you reckon? Or have you seen better? Share what you know down in the comments section below!