The lore series goes on!
Table of Contents
I have been playing League of Legends since its release and I have always found the lore in the game to be fascinating. There are so many stories that you become immersed and begin to feel like your a part of the world the game was created around. Sure the first couple of champions were simply created and the follow up stories have been released like some addition to them, to give them some depth, but as the game progressed and continued to rise in popularity around the world, League of Legends creators saw the opportunity to tell a story for each champion. In doing so they have created the universe that is called Runeterra. These stories help you connect with your favorite champions on a deeper level and may even influence your choice for your favorite champion as well. I know that it has influenced me for sure.
There are a lot of amazing stories in the League of Legend’s universe that really explain the world of Runeterra to a reader and make them feel much more immersed in the game. But nothing can be perfect, since there are many champions that really have a less than spectacular lore that is in need of drastic improvement. In this list I will point those champions out and hopefully these articles will find their way into Riot Games’ HQ so that they can finally fix these monstrosities.
Disclaimer: When these lists are made there are 159 champions in the game, by the time it is finished there probably will be some new additions to the universe so I will fit them in the current roster at the time of their release.
Previous edition:
131: Kha’Zix
Some of you might have expected to see Kha’Zix ranked even lower and that would be okay I suppose, but I am a fan of the Void theme so I decided to give him a decent place within this list. His lore is simply written so they can say that he is a predator. Doesn’t really say what kind of predator nor what he actually is, except that he is a predator and that he hunts. Nothing more, nothing less. And they mention Void all of a sudden. Completely disconnected from everything. Oh yeah, and there is a brief mention of Rengar. So shallow.
The Best Part of the Lore
‘’One day, while savoring a fresh kill, the predator became the prey. From cover a creature pounced in a blur of fangs and steel, tackling him to the ground. It roared in his face slashing and clawing, and Kha’Zix felt his blood spill for the first time. Screeching in fury, he sliced at the brute’s eye driving it back. They fought from sunset to sunrise. Finally, near death, they reluctantly separated. As his wounds closed, Kha’Zix burned with anticipation at the idea of devouring one who could match the Void’s strength. He resumed his search for powerful prey with renewed vigor. Someday, Kha’Zix will feast on Rengar.’’
Mediocre at best. Why so little about Rengar? They are like, arch nemesis to each other and we get so little?
The Worst Part of the Lore
‘’A vicious Void predator, Kha’Zix infiltrated Valoran to devour the land’s most promising creatures. With each kill he absorbs his prey’s strength, evolving to grow more powerful. Kha’Zix hungers most to conquer and consume Rengar, the one beast he considers his equal.’’
I know this is like a spinoff of the Alien VS Predator franchise but I feel disappointed about Kha’Zix’s backstory. Seriously. A vicious Void predator? You could have also wrote he works part time as an accountant at some bank and I would have felt the same.
130: Amumu
I really love Amumu’s lore. I kinda feel bad for the little guy and everything that he has gone through. I also feel bad that I have to rank him here in the middle of the board, but the fact is, we don’t get anything about the world of Runeterra, not a single mention to any other champion but solely Amumu. The backstory itself is really nicely written and it could easily serve as a goodnight tale for children. Well, it is a little depressing for that to be honest, but still. Great story no matter what. Kind of reminds me of the tale called ‘’A little match girl’’ , you should read it. Disclaimer: You will cry. A lot.
The Best Part of the Lore
‘’The hardy folk of Shurima agree upon certain things: the wind always blows from the west in the morning; a full belly on a new moon is an ill omen; buried treasure hides under the heaviest of rocks. They do not agree, however, about the tale of Amumu.’’
I know that this part in particular doesn’t really tell us a lot about Amumu, or hardly anything at all but I love it. I don’t know why but I just do.
The Worst Part of the Lore
Honestly, there is none. I loved every single part of it.
129: Malphite
Malphite’s lore is really nice. Nice writing, good backstory, interesting attention to detail and everything. So why is it in here you may ask? Well even though the story is great, Malphite is mentioned only in the last two paragraphs of the lore itself. Yes we get a nice history lesson about the creation of his kind, but very few sentences about Malphite himself. So that’s why he is in here.
The Best Part of the Lore
‘’The darkness retaliated in kind. Its hideous energies gouged deep wounds into the living stone of the Monolith, whose surfaces became pocked and seared with unnatural malphite—from the Ixtali for “bad stone”—and leaving mineral-like scars. The fortress was pushed to the very limits of its design, struggling to self-repair and reknit its weakened superstructure… but even the incredible magics that held it aloft had a breaking point.’’
I mean we get the translation of Malphite in Ixtali. Doesn’t get much better than that. LOTR vibes for sure.
The Worst Part of the Lore
Nothing that’s written bothers me, but rather the things that are not. I would add some more stuff about Malphite himself.
128: Katarina
Katarina’s lore is a fun one. Some combination of The Black Widow and Ninja stories. It describes her relationship with her father General De Couteau. He gives her an order, she fails to do it (in a way), then he sends an assassin after her. She assassinates the assassin and wonders if she should assassinate her father, but decides that he had done the right thing after sending an assassin whom she assassinated after her. Haha, sorry I had to use the opportunity to confuse you a little bit. A nice fun story, but It’s definitely not Dostojevsky.
The Best Part of the Lore
‘’He was furious beyond words, refusing even to look his daughter in the eye. She had shamed him, and their family name. The greatest assassins do not seek recognition or glory, he reminded her. They do not expect to occupy a place of honor at their master’s right hand.’’
He is right you know. But how would I know, I am not an assassin. Or am I?
The Worst Part of the Lore
Nothing in the current lore, but again, it’s the lack of what’s here. General De Couteau is mentioned throughout several parts of Noxus lore, including Katarina, Talon, and Cassiopeia. I think he would be a great character in League of Legends and I would like to see him as a champion. Definitely more stuff about him is needed.
Another list about Ranking The Lore of League of Legends from Worst to Best is done.
There is a long way to go guys trust me. We have only just begun, but I would love to hear your opinions on this one. I mean the series. Do you like it? What would you change? Leave a comment, I would be happy to hear from you!