The rank list continues!
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I have been playing League of Legends since its release and I have always found the lore in the game to be fascinating. There are so many stories that you become immersed and begin to feel like your a part of the world the game was created around. Sure the first couple of champions were simply created and the follow up stories have been released like some addition to them, to give them some depth, but as the game progressed and continued to rise in popularity around the world, League of Legends creators saw the opportunity to tell a story for each champion. In doing so they have created the universe that is called Runeterra. These stories help you connect with your favorite champions on a deeper level and may even influence your choice for your favorite champion as well. I know that it has influenced me for sure.
There are a lot of amazing stories in the League of Legend’s universe that really explain the world of Runeterra to a reader and make them feel much more immersed in the game. But nothing can be perfect, since there are many champions that really have a less than spectacular lore that is in need of drastic improvement. In this list I will point those champions out and hopefully these articles will find their way into Riot Games’ HQ so that they can finally fix these monstrosities.
Disclaimer: When these lists are made there are 159 champions in the game, by the time it is finished there probably will be some new additions to the universe so I will fit them in the current roster at the time of their release.
Previous edition:
139: Fizz
As I said previously, from this point on we are entering some medium quality lore. The thing is, League of Legends doesn’t really have much in the way of bad lore. They have a devoted team that works non stop to create good content for everyone. So, yes some of the lore needs to be worked on but mostly they are good or at least decent. Speaking of decent, Fizz’s lore is okay, it’s not bad that’s for sure but I have a feeling that it was made in a rush. Every time the story gets interesting they cut it off and shift to another thing. But overall not bad.
The Best Part Of The Lore
‘’Alone in the cold depths, Fizz sank into mournful despair. As his yordle magic began to fade, he let himself be carried by the currents, drifting in a catatonic torpor, dreaming away the millennia…
It was only chance that reawakened him. A handful of copper coins fell from above, scattered to the seabed in the wake of a huge, wooden fish that swam upon the surface. This was no gigalodon, but Fizz was alarmed nonetheless—he knew little of the world overhead, but surely no fish could survive up there? He ventured up and peered into the salty air for the first time.’’
Really nice part, wouldn’t change anything, but I would made it a bit longer.
The Worst Part Of The Lore
‘’Fizz is good-natured, but mischievous even for a yordle, and delights in confounding the people of Bilgewater. The most seasoned fishermen know, just as the ocean may rise and fall, the Tidal Trickster is as likely to lead them into windless doldrums as to an easy catch that would fill their nets. Even so, Fizz does not take kindly to the greedy or selfish, and more than one haughty sea captain hoping to make a quick pile of silver has found that her mysterious guide has led her crew not to safety, but to shipwreck.’’
This part feels really rushed. Totally stands out from the rest of the story but not in a good way. Food for thought, I would mix it up a bit, maybe add some spice?
138: Quinn
Also nicely written lore but feels completely disconnected from The League of Legends universe. It feels like a part of some movie, but definitely not the part of Runeterra. But if I’m talking about lore itself, it’s good. Nice depth, some nice attention to details and some background touches are good too. But unfortunately Quinn is a champion that doesn’t really have any kind of magic itself so that fact alone makes the lore a little bit less interesting than it would be if she was a magical being.
The Best Part Of The Lore
‘’A year to the day after Caleb’s death, Quinn returned to his grave, as she so often did. Lost in grief, she didn’t hear the approaching tuskvore, its one eye marking it as the very beast that had slain her brother.
The monster charged. Quinn fired arrow after arrow, but to no avail, and she knew it was her doom. Just then, a majestic bird swooped in—an azurite eagle, a breed long thought extinct. The eagle’s talons and beak ripped bloody gouges across the tuskvore’s face, but the creature was resilient, its horns tearing into the bird’s wing.
Quinn fired her last arrow as the monster charged her again. This time her aim was true, and the shaft flew right down its gullet, felling the creature in a heartbeat.
Though the eagle was injured, she approached with caution, for such birds had been known as vicious and untamable hunters—but instead, she saw in his eyes a deep well of kinship. Quinn bound the eagle’s broken pinion, and returned to Uwendale with him. She named him Valor, and the bond that formed between them rekindled the fire in Quinn’s heart. Once more, her thoughts turned to serving Demacia in battle, as a knight.’’
Love it. The savior eagle comes to save Quinn but ends up injured so Quinn saves him. A bit of déjà vu but I like it. I just wish that Valor had some kind of magic to him.
The Worst Part Of The Lore
‘’Her mother reminded her that this would require sponsorship, and that was far beyond their family’s humble means. But her father urged her to seek out Lady Buvelle, who had already offered recompense for service to her noble family, in the capital.’’
The word sponsorship ruins everything for me.
137: Kled
Classic war veteran lore. I know that I maybe stretching it a but and overthinking but every Yordle has some kind of Mental Illness, I have even made an article about it, so check it out in here!
The Best Part Of The Lore
‘’What followed was one of the bloodiest melees ever fought on the northern steppes. The initial momentum of the counterattack was crushed beneath a hail of barbarian arrows from higher ground, but Kled fought on even after he was thrown from his saddle and his drakalops fled. He always seemed to be at the heart of the battle, chopping down foes, kicking out teeth, and biting faces. The bodies piled up around him, and his clothes were soaked with blood. He screamed louder challenges and cruder insults. Clearly, this great warrior was willing to die before ever backing down.
Cowardice can be infectious, but so too can courage. Where the Noxians might have given up and fled for their lives, instead they were inspired to make one last stand.
Even Kled’s drakalops returned, and crashed into the barbarians’ rearguard, snarling and clawing as it dived in to free its master. With his mount again beneath him, Kled became a veritable whirlwind of death, and it was the barbarians who broke and ran.’’
Nice little war story. I have a feeling whoever wrote this was 70+ years old.
The Worst Part Of The Lore
‘’In time, countless other warhosts of the empire acquired similar stories of Kled. It has long been said that he rides wherever Noxians march, claiming the spoils of war for himself. Indeed, in their wake, good-humored signs can often be found proclaiming each new territory “Property of Kled”.’’
Just a meh way to end a solid story. Again, feeling rushed.
136: Tryndamere
I really liked Tryndamere’s lore. It was quite okay for a champion that old. I’m not certain if the lore has ever be reworked, but I think it was. Either way, its nice. But again there is a double edged sword kind of thing. I like that they have tried to implement his in-game abilities in the lore, like they did with his fury and ultimate, but on the downside I think they have overdone it since they even tried to implement his in game Q.
The Best Part Of The Lore
‘’Tryndamere looked on in horror. He could feel unhinged brutality rising in his heart at the sight of the invader’s cruel, living sword. Whether taken by bloodlust or some other madness, Tryndamere raised his own blade, and let out a defiant roar.
The dark figure swatted him aside like an insect.
Tryndamere lay surrounded by the dead, in snow soaked almost black with blood. He drew what he thought would be his last breaths as the creature approached and spoke. Tryndamere tried to hold onto the strange, archaic words, but as his life force slipped away, it was the thing’s laughter that burned itself into the young warrior’s memory.
For Tryndamere did not die that night. He was revived by a rage unlike anything he had ever experienced. He looked to the eastern horizon, intent on avenging not only the destruction of his clan, but the desecration of his own martial pride.’’
Love everything, wouldn’t change a bit. Although I’m not sure how he survived in the end, where did the fury come from? Am I missing something?
The Worst Part Of The Lore
‘’His singular fury was deeply unsettling to the Avarosans. The northern warriors, too, noted his rapid healing between bouts—unlike the Iceborn that walked among them, the more Tryndamere gave in to his rage, the more quickly his body healed.’’
This is the part where they have overdone it and tried to implement the in game Q into the lore. A bit too much for me. But it’s just my opinion.
Next edition
Another list about Ranking The Lore of League of Legends from Worst to Best is done.
There is a long way to go guys trust me. We have only just begun, but I would love to hear your opinions on this one. I mean the serial. Do you like it? What would you change? Leave a comment, I would be happy to hear from you!