The Uncharted 4 beta has finally gone live in North America and Europe, but many are finding it difficult to actually access the beta. Luckily for you, we’ve not been drinking too much of The Games Cabin’s homebrew, so we’re just about sober enough to put together a quick how-to guide.
First, you’ll want to make sure you’ve got Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection installed on your PS4, if you haven’t already.
Next, go to the PS4’s home screen and find the aforementioned remaster trilogy. Then it’s just as simple as pressing ‘down’ on your controller and you’ll find the beta tucked away neatly underneath. From there, all you have to do is hit ‘download’ and you’re set.
Keep in mind that the Uncharted 4 beta will run you around 10.1GB of hard drive space, so you’d best make sure you’ve enough room on your hard drive.
We’re still waiting on the lengthy download, but once we’ve got it up and running we’ll be sure to post a few images, videos, and our impressions of the game. See you on the battlefield, then.